Tuesday 21 April 2015

Rain, Life and Peace


A few weeks ago, the humidity and the heat were upon us.

The humidity, when in combination with the sweltering heat would wrap itself around our bodies and stick like glue. Sweat literally oozing in layers, flowed freely form our pores.
Temperatures soaring into the high 30's for 3 consecutive weeks,  unusually hot for Cairns.

Black, larger than life clouds lined the sky in perfect asymmetry... puffing out their chests day after day in spectacular fashion. Their impending threat a source of constant excitement and conversation matter.

Nervous pets, lost and terrified. Nervous owners continuously making plans to keep them safe. The cracking thunder creating confusion and terror.

Children darting to mum and dads bed for security
"Did you hear that dad?"
"Did you hear that mum?"
"What would happen if our house was stuck by lightening?"
Their curious, developing minds firing question after question, with an energy only the young could possess. With eyes wider than wide, they innocently hang onto loved ones searching  for answers, and waiting in anticipation.

Power outages meant conversation in candlelight was reborn. The stillness in the air contributed to a stifling heat as air conditioners and fans became instantly lifeless. New challenges were upon us.

As the days and nights have come and gone, the heat has been replaced by the cool breeze. The grumbling,  threatening dark clouds, by a thick, light grey continuum of rain cloud.
Rain cloud, that extends far, far into the distance, covering the blue sky like a grey blanket.
Rain cloud that carries within it, our wet season.

It's contents are dropped on us with almighty power.
More water in minutes,  than imaginable.
More rain, than we ever thought possible.
The droplets are fat and heavy, possessing the capacity to drench and flood in seconds.
Umbrellas are no longer useful in rain like this. They are a temporary shield, and are quickly overcome.
This is elite rain. Highly trained, highly skilled rain with A Grade endurance.
It keeps going, and going, and going...
Trees, plants and grasses are soaked to capacity. Their limbs heavy, as they house litres of moisture.
 Little rivers run vertically in a constant flow down the palm tree trunk.
Wet feet, wet shoes, wet hair, wet uniforms, wet washing...
Musty car smells, musty house smells, the normal...for now.

-and as I sit here, the cool breeze brushing across my face, there is peace for one moment.
Amidst the peace, I quietly absorb the warmth that nature emits.
I listen to the sound of the rain.

I listen, to the doves still singing their song regardless of the disturbance.
The ghecko's dancing, the tree frogs playing...
I listen to the cycle of life, that is nature.

-and with this, I take a deep breath and nod in recognition of the fortune I have.
The fortune, so simple in thought, yet so rich in substance.
The ability to sit here, nowhere special, and enjoy this moment

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